At Austin Texas
It starts at the airport, you already know where you are...

and it's already time to go to the VeteranForce event in real nice place

and meet old and new friends
- talking about iOT and Forcelandia -

then it's bed time after this long journey to get in Texas!

Day One
Morning y'all !

going first row for the opening keynote

and shaking hand with Tony Prophet - always nice to see him around!

meeting with the youngest y'all force member
(was there last year, but nobody noticed :) )

a very inspiring Keynote

and a Texan introduction by Holly herself! (yes, she took a selfie on stage...)

and an official picture with Tony, the Equality team, the MVPs and the golden hoodies!

a nice setup for SharinPix booth with the special #TXD18 sticker

where a lot of attendees took picture with our #3Dhashtag

and some drinks during the Day1 cocktail to finish the day!

Day 2
welcoming Super Happy customers bringing new prospects to our booth

discussion with PepupTech students

Priceless reaction of Stephanie, when she learn that
she will have an extra Salesforce Saturday student

Tasting incredible Texas Chicken

Great discussion with CEO

More #3DHashtag Fun at our booth

And time for THE photobomb ( check the making-off)

A baldforce picture as usual

and welcoming precious friend

Sharing World Cup moment with MapAnything fellows

and time to say goodbye to till next year

PepUpTech event
a nice mexican cantina under warm texan weather

Margarita cheers with friends

and great dips sponsored by Dazeworks

And the swag draw to raise money for PepUpTech

An Happy winner of SharinPix prize

And everybody get's excited about Chris Duarte surprise envelop

The happy winner opens it

and don't want others to hold for her the surprise prices...

And everybody thanks Chris in a crazy video!

Holly and Shiv in great discussion (is it about how to Deejay?)

and learning about the story of this unicorn Journey....

The End!
that's all folks (by Gillian or Kris... pick the name you prefere)

and time to say goodbye

'till next year!
For those who are curious about how those images has been shooted, most of those provide from a Google Clip. Next time you see our CEO around, stop him and ask him about it!