During this great tour in the US, between Chicago and Portland, SharinPix wanted to have a peak view about what Minneapolis community have to offer. It was a great time with great people, thanks to Andy Boettcher for the invitation!
Barbecue Happy Tech Hour hosted
nice people in DCS offices, a quick chat around AppExchange before starting the talk, always fun to see that the community have this experience with so many different apps....

Explaining Heroku...
First thing, explain as clearly as possible where Heroku stand in Salesforce Clouds. One slide to explain them all !

Nice interaction with all the people there, asking a lot of question

Using SharinPix story as an example of AppExchange+Heroku
Explaning SharinPix history and architecture to make everyone get the opportunity offered by Heroku and the AppExchange

Just a quick break to grab something to eat and to drink from the barbecue for the attendees

and time to dig more into Heroku world!

Then networking, hashtags pictures and some more fun!

#hashtags party!

special thanks to Shonna and Stue for the welcome and the fun

and to Andy who made this networking and great barbecue time possible!

next stop for #SharinPixTour was Forcelandia in Portland, get ready for pics!
Pictures taken with iPhone and Narrative Clip